What Do Credit Bureau Responses Mean?

What Do Credit Bureau Responses Mean?

Have you received a letter from the credit bureau after filing a dispute?? Are you confused about what it means? Before you start to panic, read through this article. We will cover a few responses you may receive, and what they mean for you and your credit report. A...
Writing a Noticeable Dispute Letter

Writing a Noticeable Dispute Letter

If you discover an error on your credit report, don’t panic! There are ways to mend it. The first step, of course, is to find out whether this is actually an error. Talk to your creditors to double check the details on your report before doing anything else. Once...
Credit Disputes: Steps to Fix Errors

Credit Disputes: Steps to Fix Errors

So, you’ve decided to take control of your credit report. That’s great! You’re one step closer to experiencing financial freedom. However, you’ve conducted an audit of your report and noticed an error. There’s something on your report...
5 Things to Check in a Credit Audit

5 Things to Check in a Credit Audit

Do you have a credit score but have no idea what it means? Do you know how credit reports calculate a score, and how this affects your financial future? There is more to keeping good credit than being financially responsible. You can pay your phone bill on time and...
What is Credit Monitoring and Credit Repair?

What is Credit Monitoring and Credit Repair?

Have you ever missed a payment on a credit card or loan? Are you forgetful with payment dates, or have you found yourself so swamped in repayments that you’re not even sure what you owe and when? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a few...