
Credit and finance related articles to help you get on track

Shady Business of the Credit Industry

You can work your hardest to pay your bills and keep your credit score afloat, but you may still deal with a bad credit score. That’s not fair, is it? This is because the credit bureaus, creditors, and collection agencies are all working together to lower your credit...

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Is No Down Payment a Good Idea?

So, you’re ready to take the plunge and buy a home? Congratulations! However, you may want to pump the brakes. Do you have a down payment available, as well? We all know buying a home with cash is nearly impossible, so we depend on home loans to do so. Surprisingly, a...

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Keys to Owning Your Dream Home

Thinking of taking out a mortgage can be a nerve-wracking experience! For many new homeowners, the number of zeroes on the mortgage can get your blood pressure rising. There’s no need to panic if you start on the right foot, and we are here to help! Current Expenses...

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Cut down on bills, grow your savings!

Want to cut down on your expenditures? Many people don’t know this, but you can  negotiate down prices of services you pay for. It’s all a matter of doing it properly and effectively. It definitely pays to take a little time to learn how it works. Before you know it,...

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