Credit Disputes: Steps to Fix Errors

Credit Disputes: Steps to Fix Errors

So, you’ve decided to take control of your credit report. That’s great! You’re one step closer to experiencing financial freedom. However, you’ve conducted an audit of your report and noticed an error. There’s something on your report...
5 Things to Check in a Credit Audit

5 Things to Check in a Credit Audit

Do you have a credit score but have no idea what it means? Do you know how credit reports calculate a score, and how this affects your financial future? There is more to keeping good credit than being financially responsible. You can pay your phone bill on time and...
What is Credit Monitoring and Credit Repair?

What is Credit Monitoring and Credit Repair?

Have you ever missed a payment on a credit card or loan? Are you forgetful with payment dates, or have you found yourself so swamped in repayments that you’re not even sure what you owe and when? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a few...
Secrets to Managing Your Debt Ratio

Secrets to Managing Your Debt Ratio

Debt ratio is the difference between the amount of debt you have charged versus the amount of money the credit card has authorized for you to use, or your credit limit. The difference is your debt ratio. This can also be referred to as revolving (credit card) credit...
How a Bad Credit Score Can Hurt

How a Bad Credit Score Can Hurt

While a credit score may seem like an arbitrary number, calculated by an invisible credit agency with no real bearing on your life. However, bad credit can cost your real money. To get an idea of just how much money you can lose due to bad credit, take a look at the...
What is in Your Credit Score

What is in Your Credit Score

Your name Your Social Security number Your address (and any previous addresses) Your current and past loan information Your public record information (court judgments, bankruptcies, liens) A list of other companies who have reviewed your credit. Your 3 digit credit...